Take a deep breath! Even if the air appears to be clear, you can be almost certain that you are inhaling tens of millions of solid particles and drops of liquid. In other words, aerosols are solid or liquid particles dispersed in the air. The load of atmospheric aerosols is extremely diverse, and is influenced by many different sources and transformation processes. That is, aerosols derive from a wide variety of natural and anthropocentric sources, such as sea salt, dust and combustion. The aim of this lecture is to give an overall view of the different sources of aerosols in the atmosphere. In particular, the speaker will be describing the sources of aerosols emitted by the ocean, including the polar regions. Aerosols have major impacts on our climate and our health, factors that will also be presented and discussed during the session.
With the collaboration
Cycle: SCIENCE ON MONDAY how human beings are transforming the earth: the Anthropocene Age - II
Organized by: Residents for Researchers