Social complexity among the first sedentary farmers and stockbreeders in the Near East

Cycle: 13th SEASON OF CONVERSATIONS IN EL RAVAL. The way we are, the way we were

By: Juan José Ibáñez (IMF-CSIC)
Place: Amphitheatre
Schedule: 18:00
Languages: Catalan
Simultaneous translation: No
Social complexity among the first sedentary farmers  and stockbreeders in the Near East

The traces of power: viewed from archaeology and anthropology

Though cases have been known of certain individuals who accumulated elements of wealth/prestige during the Upper Palaeolithic, the data we have available suggest that the level of social differentiation was limited. In the early Neolithic in the Near East, we find indicators (essentially in architecture, though also in other elements of material record) of the institutionalisation of social and economic differences within groups based in large settlements. These differences must have caused internal tensions that led to the large settlements becoming abandoned and the emergence of a new settlement structure in the form of small villages.




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