Determining factors in social conflict

By: Dr. Joan Maria Esteban, Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC)
Place: Meeting Hall
Schedule: 18:30
Simultaneous translation: No
Determining factors in social conflict

The speaker at this lecture will present an abstract modelling of the social conflict that can help us to assess the weight of different causal factors. He will also analyse the role of inequality and the factors that cause conflicts to be socio-economic in type or of a more ethnic nature (racial, nationalist, linguistic or religious identities). At the same time, the presenter will examine inequality in the OECD countries and the potential for a rebirth of the class struggle. The lecture will end by examining how the different models and their predictions could help to explain the political situation in Catalonia.

Cycle: 75th anniversary of CSIC - “Science today for a better tomorrow”

Organized by: Residence for Researchers CSIC-Generalitat of Catalonia


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//El Mestre Joan Guinjoan ha col•laborat amb la Residència d’Investigadors...
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