“Energy”, “Economy” and “Environment” are the three “E-s” of a peculiar “Bermuda Triangle” involving the survival of our favourite species. After 200 years of burning fossils in order to grow, human society has begun a slow but inexorable technological re-evolution towards a sustainable model of energy generation, storage, management and consumption that is not harmful to the environment in which we live.
The economy has advanced more slowly, though it will have no alternative other than to become sustainable. The circular economy is one of the factors that were needed in order to truly establish the cycle of sustainability, for example, turning rubbish into raw materials. However, this technological and economic re-evolution requires real scientific revolutions to enable it to take place and become possible, and many of these revolutions are being developed at this very moment in research laboratories throughout the world.
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Organized by: Residencia de Investigadores y Centros de Investigación de Cataluña - Institución CERCA