Exposition - CSIC: 75 years of research for the benefit of society

from 21/10/2014 until 02/11/2014
Place: Exposition Hall
Simultaneous translation: No
Exposition - CSIC: 75 years of research for the benefit of society

 The commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Spanish National Research Council, as heir to Spain’s most eminent scientific tradition, is a wonderful opportunity to recall the great importance that Science has had in terms of scientific, technological and social progress – in the 21st century, the binomial “welfare of society” and “quality science” has become an indisputable fact. Taking up the challenge of understanding the world in all its dimensions so as to make it better, and promoting the progress of our country, of Science and of Humanity in general, has been and continues to be CSIC’s challenge ever since it was first created. A challenge to which the people who work in CSIC are committed to in their everyday working lives, as they work towards a future that is better, fairer, more prosperous and more sustainable.
The aim of this exhibition is to offer a succinct presentation of CSIC’s historical future as Spain’s main public research organisation, and to help the general public to understand the current challenges we are facing.

For more information: http://www.75aniversariocsic.com/assets/uploads/873e8-1.pdf

Opening times:

Tuesday to Friday: 17:00h to 20:00h
Saturday: 11:00h to 14:00h; 17:00h to 20:00h
Sunday: 11:00h to 14:00h


Cycle: 75th anniversary of CSIC - “Science today for a better tomorrow”

Organized by: Residence for Researchers CSIC-Generalitat of Catalonia


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//El Mestre Joan Guinjoan ha col•laborat amb la Residència d’Investigadors...
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