Twenty-five years ago, it was believed that primary liver cancer had a marginal incidence in our environment, that it was impossible to diagnose in its initial phases and that treatment of same was completely ineffective. These concepts have proved to be erroneous. This cancer is the main cause of death in patients with liver cirrhosis, and particularly in patients with chronic infection through the hepatitis B or C virus. There are now screening tools available which enable early detection of this cancer, and treatment exists that has had a positive impact on survival at different points in the evolution of the disease. Current research should improve the diagnostic performance of imaging techniques and increase knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that determine the emergence and progression of the cancer. Obviously, these innovations must be translated into a higher cure ratio with a decrease of mortality.
In any event, it still remains true that the best strategy is to avoid the acquisition of risk factors by vaccinating against hepatitis B, preventing infection through the hepatitis C virus or its chronification and following a healthy lifestyle, especially avoiding weight gain or excessive alcohol consumption.
Cycle: Challenges of the 21St Century the Voice of Medicine, III
Organized by: Residence for Researchers. THEY CALLABORATE:Fundació Clínic Barcelona, IDIBAPS, RESA and Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona