Medicinal plants: basic or applied research? The case of Achillea millefolium

By: Alfonso Susanna de la Serna, Institut Botànic de Barcelona (CSIC - Ajuntament de Barcelona)
Place: Meeting Hall
Schedule: 18:30
Simultaneous translation: No
Medicinal plants: basic or applied research? The case of Achillea millefolium

Achillea millefolium is a species that has been used as a medicinal plant by every culture since time immemorial. The list of properties attributed to it is almost endless. The molecular systematic team at Barcelona Botanical Institute has carried out a study on the species in the Iberian Peninsula, using the molecular markers they habitually use when analysing botanical classifications. The objective of the study, which has been funded by the Achillea-Uriach Laboratories, is to find out more about the plant’s variability and to characterise the different Iberian populations with a view to a possible analysis of their medicinal properties. The study shows that the dividing lines between applied and basic research are permeable and that, essentially, the aim is to find applications for the basic research. In short, communication between the industry and researchers should be improved in order to find common interests.

Cycle: 75th anniversary of CSIC - “Science today for a better tomorrow”

Organized by: Residence for Researchers CSIC-Generalitat of Catalonia


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