Of mice and women: is biological research androcentric?

By: Laura Casaní. Centre d’Investigació Cardiovascular (CIC, CSIC-ICCC, ) Isabel Delgado Echevarría. Membre de Genciana, Seminari Interdisciplinari d’Estudis de la Dona (SIEM). Autora de "El descubrimiento de los cromosomas sexuales".
Place: Meeting Hall
Schedule: 19:00
Simultaneous translation: Yes
Of mice and women: is biological research androcentric?

Fotografia: Alfred Sturtevant al seu despatx (1949). Gentilesa dels arxius, California Institute of Technology: http://archives.caltech.edu/

Gender bias in science is not only manifested in the number of women holding managerial posts at research centres, or in the number of female experts who appear on the media; it is also manifested in subtler ways in the areas of research, experiment design and day-to-day scientific practice. Choosing males for carrying out research in mice (Mus musculus) and relegating females to the purpose of reproduction and maintaining the colonies is just one example. In the third dialogue, we will be debating the importance “male” patterns and standards have had in biological research and how this affects the results obtained.

Cycle: Nature in the laboratory: biological knowledge and its biases

Organized by: Residence for Researchers CSIC-Generalitat of Catalonia


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