The portfolio: being a doctor today

By: Miquel Vilardell, President del Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona, Catedràtic de Medicina, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron
Place: Meeting Hall of the Residence for Researchers
Schedule: 18:30
Languages: Catalan, Spanish
Simultaneous translation: No
The portfolio: being a doctor today
What added value does the profession of doctor represent in today's society? Does this value change with the passing of time? Can we evoke values and project them for future generations of doctors? Vocation, respect for the patient, professional ethics, humane treatment, recognising limits, language, continued training, manners and behaviour, teamwork – all of these are elements that could represent a useful portfolio. But how can we convey them to young students? What kind of medical professionals do we want to create? What areas and contents should be included to ensure a more humane, humanist training for the future of medicine?

Cycle: Humanist Doctors? Medicine in society for the 20th Century

Organized by: Museum of the History of Medicine of Catalonia, Residence for Researchers, Barcelona Physicians’ Association.


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