Towards efficient resource management in the water cycle. The role of automatic control

By: Gabriela Cembrano, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (CSIC - UPC)
Place: Meeting Hall
Schedule: 18:30
Simultaneous translation: No
Towards efficient resource management in the water cycle. The role of automatic control

Water cycle systems include the capture, transport and distribution of drinking water, as well as urban drainage and purification. In all of these processes, the use of advanced automatic control techniques allows us to manage the hydraulic infrastructure to achieve an efficient use of water and energy resources. It also enables us to minimise polluting spills in the natural environment that can be produced by periods of heavy rainfall. The lecture will be based on automatic control projects carried out in Barcelona’s drinking water and drainage networks.  

Cycle: 75th anniversary of CSIC - “Science today for a better tomorrow”

Organized by: Residence for Researchers CSIC-Generalitat of Catalonia


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