Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials: XXI century paradigma

Author: Carles Miravitlles i Francesc Serra (coords.)

Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials: XXI century paradigma

Barcelona, October 2001

Number: 18

Format: 14 x 20 cm

112 pages

Languages: Articles in Spanish, Catalan and English

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Published for the series of conferences, organized by the Residence for Researchers, Materials Science Institute and the Microelectronics Institute, held during May and June 2001 at the Residence for Researchers.

At the beginning of the XXI century, science and technology play an essential role in society’s development. Undoubtedly, the civilization's evolution will be strongly affected by the technical advances and by the generation of new knowledge which is already leading great changes at present.

This book compiles all the conferences on nanotechnology and nanomaterials trying to present, to deepen and discuss these burning questions, to learn the main aspects and to discuss its possible evolution.


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