Medicine and Poisons in European History

desde el 25/09/2014 hasta el 27/09/2014
Por: Organitzadors: O.P. Grell, A. Cunningham, and J. Arrizabalaga
Lugar: Sala de reuniones
Traducción simultánea: No
Medicine and Poisons in European History

Photo: Andrew Kuznetsov, flickr‐cavin‐/407908500


Thursday 25th September 2014


17.00–17.15: Ole Peter Grell (The Open University)

Welcome and introduction

17.15–18.15: Toine Pieters (University of Utrecht)

Historic role of pharmacist purifying substances

18.30:  Visit to Hospital de Santa Creu

20.00:  Reception sponsored by Ashgate Publishing


Friday 26th September 2014


09.00–10.00: Helen King (The Open University)

‘First gut your viper’: acquiring knowledge in Galen’s poison stories

10.00–10.30: Coffee

10.30-11.00: Visit to 18th Century Anatomical Theatre

11.00–12.00: Monserrat Cabré & Fernando Salmón (University of Cantabria)

Poisons and the medieval humoral body

12.00–13.-00: Jon Arrizabalaga (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona)

Pestis manufacta: plague, poisons, and fear in Old-Regime Europe

13.00-14.00:  Lunch

14.00-15.00: Georgiana Hedesan (University of Oxford)

Paracelsus's alchemical theories of universal poison

15.00–16.00: Alessandro Pastore (University of Verona)

Poisoning as politics: the Italian Renaissance courts

16.00–16.30: Tea

16.30–17.30: Andrew Cunningham (University of Cambridge)

Mercury: ‘one of the most valuable drugs we have’ (1924)

18.00: Visit to the Salvadoriana exhibition (Barcelona Botanical Garden)

20.30: Dinner



Saturday 27th September


09.00–10.00: Alisha Rankin (Tufts University, USA)

Gender, poison, and antidotes in early modern Europe

10.00-11.00: Helen Bynum (London)

‘I’ll ne’er trust medicine’: Poison on stage

11.00-11.30: Coffee

11.30-12.30: José R. Bertomeu-Sánchez (University of Valencia)

Matthew Orfila and 19th century French toxicology

12.30-13.30: Anne Hardy (London School of Tropical Medicine)

Collateral benefits: food poisoning agents and their therapeutic applications since 1800

13.30-14.30: Lunch

14.30-15.30: William Bynum (London)

Poison by prescription

15.30-16.30: Tea

16.30-17.00: Closing session

20.30: Conference Dinner

Ciclo: Medicine and Poisons in European History

Organizado por: History Department at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK; and the Medical and Scientific Culture Group at the IMF-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain


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