Book presentation: 100 secrets of the oceans

Cycle: Ciencia Editada

Présentation du livre
Par: Esther Garcés (ICM), Daniel Closa (IIBB) i Jordi Camp (ICM)
Lieu: Sala de Actos
Horaire: 18:00
Book presentation: 100 secrets of the oceans

In this book we present 100 morsels of knowledge about the oceans that we possess today. From tiny day-to-day discoveries to the great phenomena of a planetary scope. Little curiosities and mysteries which, thanks to science, are being resolved and are gradually enabling us to discover more and more about our oceans and everything related to them. Our aim is to share all the curiosities, knowledge, reflections and fascination about that Big Blue which is so close to us, and at the same time so unknown.

Organisé par:

Residència d'Investigadors Residència d'Investigadors

CSIC - Delegació a Catalunya CSIC - Delegació a Catalunya

Cossetània Edicions Cossetània Edicions

Avec la collaboration de:

Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques de Barcelona (IIBB - CSIC) Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques de Barcelona (IIBB - CSIC)

Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM - CSIC) Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM - CSIC)


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