Latin orthography in the Late Middle Ages

Cycle: Ciencia Editada

Présentation du livre
Par: Florencia CUADRA GARCÍA, Pedro Bádenas (director ad honorem) i Ana Gómez Rabal (directora)
Lieu: Anfiteatro
Horaire: 18:00
Latin orthography in the Late Middle Ages

Latin orthography is one of the grammatical areas that are least studied by specialists. This book features the first-ever analysis of Latin orthography in the Late Middle Ages, focusing particularly on the 12th and 13th centuries. The contents of this work represent an important contribution given that firstly, it presents a subject that required a thorough, detailed research study, and secondly, it brings to light some valuable collections of manuscripts from all over the Iberian Peninsula, including Codex 5-4-32 of the Columbine Capitular Library of Seville and Codex V.III.10 of the Royal Library of El Escorial, both previously unpublished. One work from these manuscripts that is particularly worthy of note is the treatise "De Orthographia" by Parisio da Altedo (s. XIII).

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