Eduard Toldrà: songs, letters and life. Summer in Cantallops

By: Nàiades – Cor de noies (directora: Buia Reixach). Alumnes de cant de Salvador Parron del Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona. Pianista i arranjador coral: Jordi Domènech Narrador: Alberto Espinosa
Place: Sala de Llevant de la Biblioteca de Catalunya
Schedule: 20:30
Simultaneous translation: No

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A concert devoted to the work of Eduard Toldrà, based on his letters and songs, with choral arrangements by Jordi Domènech
With today’s performance we continue our discovery of Eduard Toldrà. In a journey that explores his years as a young man, his letters lead us on to the warm embrace of his songs.
It was he who, in his private teenage diary – Impressions incoherents de la meva vida frívola a Barcelona (Incoherent impressions of my frivolous life in Barcelona) – described how disconcerted living in the big city made him feel, and his early life as a professional musician, together with his father. And it was his songs that urged us to Passar la vida cantant (Spend your life singing).
In fact, it was when he travelled to Castelló d‘Empúries to perform in a concert at the town’s annual festival that he met Maria; it was love at first sight. Despite the distance separating them (she lived in Cantallops, at the foot of the Alberes massif), their relationship grew stronger, and he composed Festeig... sota les estrelles d‘espatlles al mar (Festivities… beneath the stars, with our backs to the sea).
Cantallops was the place chosen for the wedding, as well as being a lovely spot to spend summer. He was often found in the village post office, with the postman waiting for him to finish writing a letter which a good friend was expecting. Next to his house there was a peaceful spot where he would spend his mornings. There, in the shade of the holm oaks and seated at a solid granite table, like it was a fountain, he composed his first song: Menta, farigola, ruda i romaní (Mint, thyme, rue and rosemary).
(Text by Maria Lluïsa Montada).
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