This lecture will deal with the deep-seated structures organising ‘State Thought’ (as Sayad expressed it) and the academic doxa (as Bourdieu expressed it) in the building of an imaginary concerning second generations. In what is a sign of an inopportune process of rooting, the children of migrations tend to be imagined and represented as an ethnic community, a challenge to social cohesion, a condition of vulnerability linked with the fact of being suspended between two cultures.
Luca Queirolo will be comparing the deep-rooted structures of academic narratives in two countries of new migration that are also characterised by mechanisms for insertion/naturalisation and by different processes of stigmatisation/stereotyping.
Cycle: Living, feeling and experiencing: new perspectives in research on young people in the 21st century
Organized by: Residence for Researchers and Institució Milà i Fontanals