Chemistry is the scientific discipline that studies matter in its broadest sense, from essential elements to the most complex systems, such as biochemical processes. Traditionally, chemistry has been divided into different areas depending on the characteristics of the species studied (organic or inorganic chemistry) and on the methodological approaches used (physical or analytical chemistry). However, in recent decades, these divisions have proved to be unclear when classifying the latest research. This lecture will offer a brief introduction to supramolecular chemistry (the branch of chemistry that studies interactions between molecules) and the consequent implications for other areas of chemistry and science in general. The lecturer will also illustrate the potential applications of this field of chemistry using examples selected from the latest research carried out by the Supramolecular Chemistry Group at IQAC-CSIC.
Cycle: SCIENCE ON MONDAY: Towards a new chemistry
Organized by: The Residence for Researchers, CSIC-Delegación en Cataluña, Instituto de Química Avanzada de Cataluña (IQAC)