What is the Earth’s interior like? How and when were the mountain chains formed? How did the continents become distributed 180 million years ago? These and many other questions concerning our planet, and possible answers to them, will be presented by a group of researchers from the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, ICTJA, CSIC. Beyond the actual research, it is important for us to understand our planet for our everyday life. The exploration of natural resources, CO2 storage, where and why earthquakes are generated – these are just a few of the points that are of great interest and have a direct impact on society. In this lecture, the speaker will present some of the projects being carried out at ICTJA on the subject of the study of the Earth’s structure and dynamics. Direct observation of rocks, collecting information through geophysical data and their subsequent analysis, the development of analogue and numerical models, as well as activities designed to spread the information among younger generations are just some of the everyday tasks of researchers in the field of Earth Sciences.
Institut de Ciències de la Terra Jaume Almera (ICTJA)