The energy policy in Catalonia, looking to 2030

By: Dr. Joan Esteve i Reyner (Cap d’àrea de Planificació Energètica Institut Català d’Energia, Generalitat de Catalunya)
Place: Auditorium
Schedule: 19:00
Languages: Catalan, Spanish
Simultaneous translation: No
The energy policy in Catalonia, looking to 2030
The “Catalonia Energy Plan 2006-2015”, approved by the Catalan government in October 2005, defines a medium-term energy policy based on three determining factors: the shortage of energy fossil fuels over the long term, the growing impact of the energy cycle on the environment and the absence - over the short term - of new energy policies capable of completely replacing existing ones.

At present, the Generalitat of Catalonia is carrying out a review of the current Energy Plan. The main aim of this review is to update the strategies and objectives defined in the Energy Plan, bearing in mind the events that have taken place in the world of energy during the past two years (i.e. rising energy prices, new agreements – internationally, in Europe and Spain – with respect to energy and climate change, etc.) as well as factoring in the possible effects of the current global economic and financial crisis.

Within the framework of the review of the Energy Plan, a new prospective energy analysis for Catalonia is being carried out with a view to the year 2030 with a combination of six prospective scenarios characterised by their energy policies and by the much higher energy prices. In his address, the speakers will be making a brief summary of the main strategic reflections of the aforementioned prospective analysis.

Cycle: ENERGY TODAY AND TOMORROW. A Global Challenge for Humanity?

Organized by: Residence for Researchers


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