The challenges of nuclear technology: generation III and IV reactors and radioactive waste

By: Prof. Xavier Ortega Aramburu (Catedràtic de l’Àrea d’Enginyeria Nuclear a la UPC Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear Membre de l’Institut de Tècniques Energètiques)
Place: Amphitheatre
Schedule: 19:00
Languages: Catalan, Spanish
Simultaneous translation: No
The challenges of nuclear technology: generation III and IV reactors and radioactive waste
The world energy system is mainly based on the consumption of fossil fuels: oil, coal and gas (80%), while nuclear energy represents 7%, followed by hydraulic energy (10.5%), biomass and renewables (2.5%). With respect to the generation of electricity, the percentages are, approximately: oil, coal and gas (64%), nuclear (17%) and hydraulic (19%), while the rest is made up of other renewables. Paradoxically, more than 1.5 billion people do not have access to an electricity supply.

These figures are of key importance in any reflection on what nuclear energy has represented, currently represents and could represent in the medium and long-term future.

Cycle: ENERGY TODAY AND TOMORROW. A Global Challenge for Humanity?

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