The need for professional development of researchers within companies

By: Manuel Cermeron (Director General de Aqualogy)
Place: Meeting Hall
Schedule: 18:30
Simultaneous translation: No
The need for professional development of researchers within companies

In the knowledge society, it is becoming increasingly clear that the sustainability of a company requires that it increase the value of what it offers, quickly and efficiently, by incorporating differential solutions which provide a response to needs that are new or already exist; that is to say, developing a competitive advantage using sustainable methods.
The most significant characteristic that differentiates the present from any other period in the past is the speed at which things happen – the dizzying pace at which everything changes. And without any doubt, the process of knowledge generation is no exception to this. In this scenario, speed and knowledge are of crucial importance to the survival and continuity of a business project, and no effort or expense is spared to introduce new exchange interfaces so as to facilitate the process of knowledge transformation in a new product, technology or service. Without question, the catalyst for this process is talent; that is to say, people. Professionals with a great depth of knowledge and scientific rigour that allows them to reduce uncertainty regarding a new opportunity linked to new knowledge, and at the same time who offer a view of the market, and are able to connect apparently unconnected things – these people will be of crucial for successfully transforming innovation into a business development tool, thereby guaranteeing the sustainability of the activity in the future.

Cycle: The Voice of Discoveries -VIII

Organized by: Residence for Researchers


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